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原标题:Birthday Spanking
I'm nineteen years old and it's my first birthday away from home. I really miss my family , and
strangely enough, my father's birthday tradition.
My father is a strict disciplinarian. We were always spanked growing up , but it wasn't a big deal
or anything. My brother and I were pretty good kids. I vaguely remember get spanked a lot when I was
really young,but I can only distinctly remember a few spankings after the age of ten.
Except for the birthday spankings , that is. Daddy started those when I was five years old. Ten
spanks for each year, delivered bare bottom across his lap with his hand. When I turned thirteen he
switched to a wooden paddle , and that really hurt.(It was still in the bare across his lap.)
My brother got them too , just the same way. When other kids were talking excitedly about their
16th birthday my brother and I just looked at each other rather uncomfortably. We were glad to grow
older and enjoyed the new freedoms and responsibilities , but we didn't enjoy the spanking. At least
that's what I thought then.
I remember my fifteenth birthday. I wanted a party really bad and my mom said I could. I invited
over lots of my friends and a number of really cute boys I liked. It was a great party, with cake and
ice cream and since it was a Friday night everyone stayed late and we watched _Star_Wars_ on video and
pigged out. Finally at eleven o'clock everyone had to leave and parents began arriving, picking up
their kids. I remember feeling so happy as I waved good-bye and closed the door after the last guest.